Why they chose



Harnessing eCRM to reactivate Clarins' lapsed customer segment

The COVID-19 crisis led to a 20% increase in Clarins’ lapsed customer base. Our objective was clear: reactivate these lapsed customers, re-engage them effectively, and reduce churn, all while adhering to Clarins' brand guidelines and promotional rules.

We crafted a tailored eCRM strategy for Clarins that drew from our understanding of customer behaviour and the latest digital tools. Our goal was to not only reconnect with the lapsed segment but also to strengthen the bond between the brand and its loyal customer base.

The challenge

Clarins asked us to deliver an eCRM strategy that:

  • Reactivated 10% of the lapsed customers who hadn't made a purchase in 12-24 months
  • Engaged both email-reachable and direct mail-opted customers without resorting to high discounts
  • Shortened the lapsed journey from 12-24 months to just 3 months post-purchase
  • Enhanced frequency and value of customer transactions
  • Reduced churn rate to 57%

Our strategy

Our strategy centred on three core principles: harnessing technology for personalised communication, analysing customer data for deeper insights, and maintaining an adaptive stance for optimal engagement. Here's a breakdown of our approach:

  • Leveraging Movableink: Movableink allowed us to infuse personal touches into each email. Tailored timers and interactive elements created a bespoke experience based on individual customer profiles.
  • Deep dive into customer analytics: Delving into the eCRM data, we mapped out past behaviours, interactions, and preferences which formed the cornerstone of our strategy.

Agile testing and refinement: The eCRM landscape is dynamic. We constantly assessed Clarins’ audience, tweaking subject lines and fine-tuning incentives to keep engagement at its peak.

How we did it

Email Strategy and Analysis

We began with a deep dive into Clarins' current email framework. This allowed us to craft a more interactive and tailored eCRM communication plan, ensuring every message, driven by tools like Movableink, felt both exclusive and authentic to Clarins' brand.

Design and Content Precision

We designed emails that not only resonated with the audience but also seamlessly aligned with Clarins' brand identity. Our content was strategically crafted, with every subject line tested for maximum engagement.

Beyond Conventional Incentives

Instead of relying solely on standard discounts, our eCRM strategy showcased benefits such as free shipping and loyalty bonuses. This approach prioritised building lasting relationships with customers, rather than just short-term transactions.

Design and Content Precision

Merging traditional strategies with advanced eCRM insights, our emails were specifically tailored to each individual. We also incorporated elements such as quizzes, mobile alerts, and dynamic landing pages, ensuring Clarins remains a leader in customer engagement.